Purina Farms will remain closed to all visitors until further notice.

We are devastated to share that on Friday, March 14, Purina Farms was struck by what is believed to have been a tornado, and our Visitor Center, Pet Center, Barn and Incredible Dog Arena were significantly damaged. Most importantly, all employees who were onsite at the time are safe, and all of our animals are accounted for, safe and being cared for by our staff and with the help of our community partners.

We are still assessing the full extent of the property damage and will provide updates on how this will impact any future events scheduled at Purina Farms. In the meantime, we will remain closed to all visitors until further notice.

Purina Farms Visitor Center exterior
Purina Farms Logo
child and dog friends sitting on the ground. The child has their arm around their dog

Pet Education Resources

red circle with human hand and pet paw illustration on top


Share these lessons in responsible pet ownership with your kids to help us create a more humane society and improve the lives of pets everywhere. The lessons are primarily designed for kids between the ages of 3-12, and they cover training, care and positive interactions.

closeup of happy black and white dog

Nosey Notes

Parents, Guardians and Teachers! We want to hear from you. We know your children and students love talking about their pets, and they also have lots of questions about pets. Capture their thoughts on the appropriate NOSEY NOTE document below, and mail (yes snail mail) it to us to receive a letter in return.

Here is the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Email us your name and mailing address at purinafarms@purina.nestle.com, and we'll put a postage paid envelope in the mail to you.

Step 2: Download and print the appropriate NOSEY NOTE document below to complete.

Step 3: Mail it to us using the self-addressed, postage paid envelope we send you and you'll receive a letter back within a week from our Purina Incredible Dog Team Trainers who are ready and excited to answer all the pet care questions that come their way.

young child with their dog

Kids4Pets Curriculum

We believe kids and pets are better together and that’s why we came up with the acronym B.E.T.T.E.R where each letter represents essential pet care needs that kids should remember.  In addition to the care topic, a lesson and suggested activity is provided with each letter to further reinforce the importance of caring for a pet.

boy hugging dog

Pet Care & Training Tips

Being responsible and caring for pets looks different depending on the age of the child. Check out these age-appropriate tips for how to get children involved in basic care and when the time is right to move on to more advanced training opportunities. Plus, read through general tips about pet health, nutrition and grooming. 

four differing cartoon paws raised on white background

Exploring Science With Our Pets Part 1

Try these different experiments with your favorite furry friends to better understand how they experience the world.

illustration of multiple variations of a dog running, jumping, sleeping, eating, and more

Exploring Science With Our Pets Part 2

Continue your pursuit to better understand dogs and cats through these various experiments.

Pet Resource Library

Pet Resource Library

Get helpful tips on finding a responsible breeder, potty training your dog and other important pet topics.

red circle with human, nature, and pet relation


Enjoy the best of Purina Farms – virtually! Take a tour of the property, watch inspiring videos and sign up for personalized online experiences.

Meet Our Animals

You know it's spring at Purina Farms when you start to hear the chirps of baby chicks. Adorable, fluffy and full of energy. They can't wait to welcome everyone to Purina Farms in late Spring.

Responsible Pet Care

Did you know that Guinea pigs make great first pets for children? They are relatively low-maintenance and super-friendly. And March is National Adopt-a-Rescued Guinea Pig month, so check out your local rescue or shelter to add a guinea pig to your family.

Best Friends

Kids and pets can have wonderful relationships if they treat each other with mutual respect and love. Kids just need to follow these helpful tips for interacting with dogs and cats, so they can be the best of friends!

red circle with frisbie


Make time every day for fun and play! Our pets certainly do! Enjoy doing these pet-centric activities together with your young pet lover.

Purina farms logo and "Activity Book" typography over blue sky with clouds

Purina Farms Activity Book

Connect the dots, word searches, picture hunts and more! Learn more about the pets who enrich our lives while completing these activity sheets. Some of the activity sheets are for younger kids ages 3-5 and others are for kids ages 6 and up. Pick and choose which ones are the most appropriate and have fun!

coloring book page with outlined dog and cat

Purina Farms Coloring Pages

Purina Farms is home to a variety of dogs, cats and farm animals. Each are unique and incredible in their own way. Print out these coloring sheets to bring the stars of Purina Farms to your home!

Stay in Touch

Sign up today! From training tips to special offers, get the tools you need to keep your pet happy and healthy.

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