Purina Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to some of your questions below or contact us any time. We're always here to help.
Purina Perks
Yes, Purina now has a rewards program! Purina Perks enables you to earn points on any cat and dog Purina product, including pet foods, treats and supplements! Earn 10 points for every $1 you spend on Purina products (up to $300 per transaction). Get more details about our rewards program.
The following cat and dog brands are eligible for earning points in the Purina Perks program: Alpo, Beggin’, Beneful, Beyond, Busy, Cat Chow, Kitten Chow, Dentalife, Dog Chow, Puppy Chow, EverRoot, Fancy Feast, Friskies, Kit & Kaboodle, Moist & Meaty, ONE, Petivity, Prime, Pro Plan, Pro Plan Veterinary Diets, Tidy Cats, and Whisker Lickin’s.
Purina Perks is our loyalty program for Purina consumers. You can earn points by purchasing eligible cat and dog Purina products at your favorite retailer, or by completing various activities in the myPurina app. Points earned can be redeemed for exclusive rewards.
Our loyal consumers are encouraged to download the myPurina app or sign up online at Purina.com. Users may earn points by scanning receipts for the purchase of eligible cat and dog Purina products or by completing various activities. From there, points may be redeemed for exclusive rewards.
This program is open to individuals who are residents of the United States and are at least eighteen (18) years old. Professional breeders, businesses, and institutional organizations (such as rescue groups, humane societies, or animal shelters) are not eligible to participate in the Purina Perks.
You can sign up for Purina Perks via the myPurina app from your mobile app store or on Purina.com.
No, the Purina Perks program is free. It is designed to reward Purina consumers — and their pets.
If you have any additional questions or concerns regarding Purina Perks, our customer service team is here to assist you 800-456-7080 or How Can We Help? Contact Purina
If you encounter an error message, we recommend taking a screenshot and sharing it with our team for better assistance.
If you believe points were awarded inaccurately, please contact us, and we will investigate and resolve the issue promptly.
There are two ways to earn points through Purina Perks:
Uploading receipts: By purchasing eligible Purina products and submitting your receipts, you can earn points based on the total amount spent. Remember to follow the receipt submission guidelines mentioned earlier.
Completing activities: Periodically, the Purina Perks program may offer additional activities or promotions that allow you to earn extra points. These activities can include using Pet Food Finder in the app and completing your pet’s profile. Keep an eye on our website and emails for additional opportunities.
Submitting a receipt is a crucial step in earning points through Purina Perks. To ensure a successful submission, follow these guidelines:
Capture a clear photo of your receipt or upload it from your smart phone or desktop.
Make sure the receipt includes essential information such as the retailer's name, date of purchase, purchased Purina items, and the price of the Purina products. While not mandatory, including the transaction number can be helpful.
Receipts are eligible for submission within one month from the purchase date.
After submitting your receipt, points will be processed and awarded within three business days.
Once you've accumulated enough points, you can redeem them for a variety of rewards. Visit the Purina Perks section on the myPurina app or on Purina.com and browse through our catalog to see the available options. Rewards include Purina cat and dog products and a selection of cat and dog items. Simply select the reward you desire, follow the instructions to redeem, and enjoy your chosen reward.
All unredeemed points will automatically expire one year from the date they were added to your Account, at 11:59pm Central Time on the last day of the month in which they were earned. As you redeem your points for rewards, these points are taken from the earliest earning activities, and have different expiration dates based on when you earned them. It is important to keep redeeming points throughout the year, so that you do not lose them.
Example: You submit a receipt in May and earn 100 points, then in June you submit another receipt and earn 200 points. In August you redeem 200 of your points for a reward. We will first use the 100 points you earned in May and the remaining 100 points from June. This would leave you with a balance of 100 points. Those remaining 100 points do not expire until June 30th of the following year since those remaining points were first acquired in June.
If you are experiencing difficulties signing in, please ensure that you are using the correct case-sensitive email address and password. Try signing in with your email address in all lowercase letters as a troubleshooting step. If the issue persists, please reach out to our customer service team for further assistance.
Example: customerservice@purina.nestle.com instead of CustomerService@purina.nestle.com
- NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Nestlé Purina Pet Care “Purina Perks Catalog Holiday Sweepstakes” is open to legal residents of 50 U.S. & D.C., who are 18 and older (or 19 for residents of AL & NE) and are Purina Perks loyalty members. THIS PROMOTION IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Starts at 9:00:01 AM CT on 12/1/24 and ends at 11:59:59 CT on 12/21/24. For how to enter, odds, and prize descriptions, visit FAQ section of www.purina.com/purina-perks. Void where prohibited, restricted, or taxed by law. Sponsor: Nestlé Purina Pet Care Company, 1 Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, MO 63164.
To view full sweepstakes rules & regulations, click here.
- NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Nestlé Purina Pet Care “Purina Perks Petivity® Sweepstakes” is open to legal residents of 50 U.S. & D.C., who are 18 and older (or 19 for residents of AL & NE) and are Purina Perks loyalty members. THIS PROMOTION IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC. Starts at 12:00:01 AM CT on 01/24/2025 and ends at 11:59:59 CT on 01/31/2025. (10) Cat winners one (1) Petivity® Smart Litter Box Monitor (ARV $149.99/ea.) and (10) Dog winners one (1) Petivity® Microbiome Analysis Kit (ARV $149/ea.). Odds of winning depend on the total number of entries received in each Pool. For full official rules and how to enter, visit FAQ section of www.purina.com/purina-perks. Void where prohibited, restricted, or taxed by law. Sponsor: Nestlé Purina Pet Care Company, 1 Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, MO 63164.
To view full sweepstakes rules & regulations, click here.
- NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. Nestlé Purina Pet Care “Perks Valentine’s
Sweepstakes” is open to legal residents of 50 U.S. & D.C., who are 18 and older (or 19 for residents of
AL & NE) and are Purina Perks loyalty members. THIS PROMOTION IS NOT OPEN TO THE GENERAL
PUBLIC. Starts at 8:00:01 AM CT on 01/30/2025 and ends at 11:59:59 CT on 02/18/2025. One (1) Grand
Prize comprising of: (1) Hotel Gift Card (ARV $1,000); (1) Airline Voucher (ARV $1000) and (1)
Restaurant Gift Card (ARV $500). Odds of winning depend on the total number of entries received. For
full official rules, visit FAQ section of www.purina.com/purina-perks. Void where prohibited, restricted, or
taxed by law. Sponsor: Nestlé Purina Pet Care Company, 1 Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, MO 63164.
To view full sweepstakes rules & regulations, click here.
Pet Food Ingredients
Some Purina pet food brands offer grain-free formulas, to give pet owners more nutritional choices. These brands include Beneful, Beyond, Cat Chow, Purina ONE and Pro Plan. Just like all Purina foods, every ingredient in our grain-free formulas has a purpose, and is selected for nutrition to help pets live their best life possible. You can learn more about ingredients in our grain-free dog foods and grain-free cat foods on the Purina website.
“Filler” may be defined as feed ingredients for pet food with little or no nutritional value. Every ingredient in our formulas has a valuable function and plays a part in providing an excellent source of nutrition to your pet. When properly cooked, corn provides a highly digestible source of carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and protein, and thus, is not considered filler. Corn also has one of the highest levels of natural antioxidants of any grains. Purina only uses the same grades of corn traditionally used in human food products. Learn more about our ingredients.
It is likely that our pet food contains GMO grains because genetically modified grain and grain products constitute a significant portion of the supply of grain available throughout the U.S. for both human and pet foods. U.S. grain handling and distribution practices result in a co-mingling of supply, which results in a loss of identity preservation.
The FDA recognizes the safety and equivalence of products derived from U.S.-approved varieties of genetically modified grain, so there is no reason to exclude it from the general supply. In addition, the FDA does not require products containing GMO grains to bear additional labeling.
By-products are defined as the co-product of a primary product and are usually portions of the animal not always consumed by people in the U.S. By-products are an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. By-products in pet foods that meet Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) guidelines come from clean animal parts other than meat, such as the liver, kidney and other organs. Purina purchases all by-products from USDA-inspected plants. They must meet stringent criteria for nutrient content, production and quality assurance. Learn more about our quality ingredients.
No, we do not offer dog or cat food without by-products. Animal by-products include clean animal parts other than meat, such as organ meats like the liver and kidney. These by-products are not commonly used in the human food supply chain, so it’s a sustainable use of all the parts of an animal. Learn more about why Purina uses by-products in our dog and cat foods.
Animal digest is often considered a substandard pet food ingredient. In some cases, this is because the word "digest" is mistakenly thought to describe the contents of the digestive tract. The word "digest" in "animal digest" refers to the digestive process used in production, not the ingredients.
The process starts with animal protein such as muscle and soft tissue supplied by USDA-inspected facilities.
These ingredients are processed in order to break them down, similar to the process of digestion in the body. The resulting digest is a liquid, but can also be made into a paste or powder.
Animal digest is a high-quality ingredient that provides an excellent source of protein and enhances the palatability of dog & cat foods.
The basic stories about the dangers of menadione have emerged at various times during the past decades as something of an urban legend in the pet food industry and are not research-based. In fact, numerous research studies and nutritional textbooks have identified menadione as a safe and effective means of providing the important nutrient Vitamin K to dogs and cats. Menadione has been commonly used in pet foods for approximately 25 years with no documented negative health effects. Menadione is a stable source of the essential nutrient Vitamin K. Vitamin K is required for the synthesis of a number of body proteins, most notably the proteins responsible for normal blood clotting. Learn more about our quality ingredients.
Although dogs and cats are unable to distinguish color, we know that most pet owners consider the product’s appearance when purchasing food for their pet. Artificial coloring is added to maintain a more desirable and consistent appearance. All colorings used in our pet foods are approved for use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
Nutrition and Health
Yes, Purina foods are good for cats. Every Purina pet food is formulated based on a purposeful blend of ingredients, to provide nutrients that support overall pet health. You can find more nutrition information on product labels and on the cat food product pages on the Purina website.
The best Purina cat food is one that meets your cat's unique nutritional needs and, most importantly, that they'll actually enjoy! Because no two cats are the same, we have a wide range of brands and formulas to meet their individual needs. Find the best Purina food for your cat here.
Yes, Purina treats are good for cats! Our cat treats come in a variety of different flavors to satisfy your cat's cravings, whether they prefer soft or crunchy treats or you prefer natural ingredients, we have something for everyone. Explore all the possibilities here, and remember that treats should make up no more than 10% of your cat's daily caloric intake!
Yes, Purina foods are good for dogs. Every Purina pet food is formulated based on a purposeful blend of ingredients, to provide nutrients that support overall pet health. You can find more nutrition information on product labels and on the dog food product pages on the Purina website.
The best Purina dog food is one that meets your dog's unique nutritional needs and, most importantly, that they love! Every dog is unique, which is why we offer a variety of diferent brands and formulas to meet their individual needs. Find the best Purina food for your dog here.
Yes, Purina treats are good for dogs! Our dog treats are made with wholesome ingredients and include dog-favorites like jerky strips, dental chews and more. Find your dog's next favorite treat here, and remember that treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog's daily caloric intake!
Feeding your pet is one of the most important ways you can care for him. Once you have chosen the right food for your pet, you can develop a plan for portioning and scheduling. For more information, check your product package for specific feeding amounts, watch this video, or read Understanding Cat Food.
Some of our pet food packages do contain caloric information. If the product package you feed does not contain this information, we’ll be more than happy to help. Please contact us for more information.
Pet food makes up the entirety of a pet’s diet, so it needs to deliver all of the nutrients they need. That’s why pet foods so often use the phrase “complete and balanced.” Every pet food needs to meet federal (FDA) and state regulatory standards before it gets near your dog’s or cat’s bowl. For more information, read our philosophy on nutrition.
Veterinarians recommend Purina pet food because Purina has spent nearly a century researching pet nutrition and using our vast expertise in pet health to develop dog and cat foods and other pet care products to help them live longer, healthier lives. Our research and commitment to a science-first approach to innovation is well known in the veterinary community.
No. Pet parents continue to be understandably scared by an online rumor that there is an issue with Purina pet foods. This rumor is false, and we are saddened to see the confusion and fear that it has caused for pet owners. There are no health or safety issues with our products, and they can continue to be fed with confidence.
If you have any concerns at all with your pet’s health, please contact your veterinarian. And if you read something online that concerns you, or you have any questions about your pet food, please feel free to reach out to our team.
No, there is not currently a recall of Purina cat food. Purina cat food is made according to Purina’s quality control and safety protocols, which are unsurpassed in the pet food industry. For more information, visit the Purina News Center.
No, there is not currently a recall of Purina dog food. Purina dog food is made according to Purina’s quality control and safety protocols, which are unsurpassed in the pet food industry. For more information, visit the Purina News Center.
A member of our team is ready to help you find a new product for your dog or cat. Contact us so we can help you find a pet food that is 100% complete and balanced for your pet’s life stage.
Yes, unfortunately we are no longer offering Prime Treats. Purina recommends Busy Bone, our long-lasting, rawhide-free treat, as a replacement.
Select a pet food that is 100% complete and balanced for your pet's size and life stage when searching for the perfect food (i.e., a large breed food for a dog that is 50 lbs. or more).
All of our Dog & Cat foods come with feeding instructions to help you properly feed your pet depending on his size, but some pets may require specialized foods to help them maintain an ideal body condition.
All Purina commercial pet food is complete and balanced and will contribute to your pet’s overall health, along with regular exercise and attention to any of your pet’s special needs. Please visit our cat food products to review and select one of our cat food products or visit our dog food products page to review and select one of our dog food products.
You should consider transitioning gradually to new pet foods to help eliminate any digestive issues. We recommend consumers introduce a new pet food over a period of 7–10 days to help avoid digestive upset. The first day we recommend mixing 10 percent of the new food with 90 percent of the current food. Each day, increase the amount of the new food while decreasing the amount of the current food. Learn how to change dog food or change cat food in more detail by reading one of our helpful articles.
Company Information
Purina® and Pedigree® pet foods provide complete and balanced nutrition. Pedigree® only makes products for dogs. Purina® makes quality cat and dog foods formulated to meet the needs of all pets at every life stage. You can learn more on the Purina website here.
Purina brand dog food is made primarily in the U.S. As a global pet care leader, Nestlé Purina PetCare manufactures products throughout the world. Regardless of where our products are produced, you can be assured that they are subjected to our rigorous quality assurance standards. The safety of our products is a top priority. We stand behind their high quality, so consumers can feed them to their pets with confidence. Learn more about Purina product quality by visiting the Purina website.
Purina is owned by Nestlé, and Purina products are available to pet owners worldwide. Visit the Purina website to learn more about Purina’s brands.
99% of Purina pet food products sold in the U.S. are manufactured in our own facilities in the U.S.
No, Purina does not participate in any invasive research on dogs or cats. This is against our ethical policy.
Purina's headquarters is located in St. Louis, MO, USA.
Purina was founded in 1894 by William H. Danforth under the name Robinson-Danforth Commission Company, in partnership with George Robinson and William Andrews. The name was changed to Ralston-Purina in 1902.
Supply Chain
As you can tell, we’re experiencing a high demand for our products, and our team is working hard to keep shelves (and online carts) stocked with our food, treats and litter. To help you find stores that may have our product available, we’d encourage you to find your favorite product on our website and then click on the Buy Now link, which is found within each product section, or use our where to buy tool. Because we’re all in this together, we encourage consumers to only purchase the amount you would regularly order, so that everyone can keep their pets happy and healthy. Also, please call the store first to be sure your product is available. Should you have additional concerns, please contact us for assistance.
Pet lovers should ensure they have two weeks’ worth of food on hand while only purchasing the amount of food they regularly would, check with their veterinarian about ordering any prescriptions ahead of time, and make sure they have sufficient essential pet products such as cat litter. When bringing food home, it is important to still follow recommended storage tips and guidelines to keep food safe.
Our team is working hard to make sure your pet’s favorite food is available. If you are running low and unable to find more, you may need to substitute another recipe in the short term. If this is the case, you should try to introduce the new food gradually. Mix the new with old, increasing the new and decreasing the old for over a period of 7-10 days. Please use the same procedure when you eventually switch back to your pet’s favorite food. If your pet’s diet is a therapeutic diet for a specific health concern, please talk with your Veterinarian before making any changes.
Charitable Giving and Volunteering
Purina is supporting pet shelters and rescues across the country by sending pet food, litter and providing financial resources to help them in this uncertain time. You can help too by fostering or adopting a pet or making a donation. Connect with a local shelter to learn more.
There are a number of things you can do to help pets in need. Our friends at the Petfinder Foundation have a great list to help you get started in making a difference for pets in need.
We understand this is an uncertain time, and we would encourage pet owners who may be struggling to make ends meet to check with their local pet shelter or humane society for possible assistance resources. Purina is also working with partners like RedRover and GreaterGood.org who may have programs that can help. Visit their websites to find out what programs are currently available.
For shelters or rescues in need of pet food or other pet care supplies, we’ve partnered with GreaterGood.org’s Rescue Bank team that deploys support to shelter in need. Learn more on Greater Good's website.
Pet Care
While we know the grown-out look may not be the prettiest, keep in mind that dogs don’t care how they look! Daily brushing will help decrease shedding and prevent matting, and regular bathing will help dogs stay clean and fresh smelling. Don’t forget about dental health too! Now is a great time to get in the habit of brushing your dog’s teeth every day or two, and daily dental treats can also be helpful. Read our article on how to groom a dog at home for more tips. If you have specific concerns about grooming, your veterinarian may have some other suggestions for your pet.
While there’s no reason to believe that pets in the US might be a source or can transmit Covid19, we recommend regular bathing as needed. Your veterinarian may be able to guide you a bit more on the recommended frequency for your dog. To help keep your dog clean in between baths, wiping his muzzle, feet, and belly with a soft damp cloth is a great way to tidy up after outdoor play.
Pets at Work - Benefits
At Purina, we’ve noticed many benefits. For example, bringing a dog to work helps us get outside and take more walks, and bringing a cat gives us another excuse to play. Beyond that, employees find that bringing a pet to work helps them maintain a healthy work-life balance. On our end, Purina has found it is a nice perk for our staff, which helps with retention.
Studies have indicated that employees who bring pets to work show fewer signs of stress. That could be because pets help us relax and take time to meet new people.
Finally, we’ve noticed benefits for pets as well. They get to socialize with new people and play with other pets while enjoying more daily activity and more time with the owner they love.
Pets at Work - Before You Start
If your company owns the building, it’s up to the leadership to decide whether they want to allow pets. If your company is leasing the space, you may have to meet with a management company, a leasing agent, a landlord – or all three. Before you meet with anyone, prepare a list of similar spaces or companies that allow pets at work so that they can see it isn’t an unusual practice and that it can make a space more fun to visit. Be prepared to talk about creating legal documents so that any risk involved isn’t solely on the property owner’s hands.
You’ll want to be sure to have your workplace’s lawyers draft a liability waiver for employees to sign when they decide to bring their pets to work. These waivers help participating employees understand any risks involved in bringing pets to work, and lets them agree to be held accountable for any legal situations that could arise. This will remove liability from the company. Here’s an example of ours. Please note that our example is only shown as a suggestion, and cannot serve as your company’s waiver. We suggest your company contact your legal representative to create a version that suits your company’s culture and needs.
Start by making sure everyone has a clear understanding of the type of behavior that is expected from their pets – and what kind of behavior isn’t acceptable. Visit our etiquette guidelines to see how you can help employees understand what is expected.
For health reasons, it’s important to make sure that employees who bring pets to work submit documentation of their pets’ health status and medical checkups. For example, the documents should show that pets have proof of all required vaccinations, including the vaccination for rabies, and that dogs have been vaccinated for bordetellosis. You will also want employees to provide proof that kittens and puppies have had their annual booster shots. Have them store copies of required vaccinations in their work area.
Pets at Work - Allergies & Shedding
This shouldn’t be a big problem as long as employees take responsibility for their pets’ grooming and cleanup. If a pet is clean and his coat is cared for regularly, he’ll be less likely to trigger allergies. Being diligent about cleaning up pet hair or any other pet-related messes can also help reduce allergies. This extends beyond the employees to a workplace’s cleaning regimen, so make sure vacuuming happens regularly and that air filters are installed in the building to help keep air clean.
Many Americans are allergic to cats. People often assume they’re allergic to cat hair, and thus believe that short-haired cats are more allergy-friendly. In reality, it’s more likely they are allergic to a protein in cats’ saliva, which gets on cats' skin when they groom themselves. To help people with allergies avoid exposure to a cat in the workplace, employees should make sure their cat is well-groomed, and they should clean up any shedding that might occur. They should also keep their cat in a gated area if necessary.
Dogs produce dander, which some people may be allergic to. Some dogs barely shed, while others shed a lot. High-shedding dogs are more likely to trigger allergies. If an employee’s dog is causing sneezes, it might be a good idea to gate his area. If a dog is causing more severe allergies, the dog should not visit the workplace. The best way to prevent allergic reactions is to properly bathe and groom all dogs.
The first step in keeping shedding under control is asking owners to frequently groom their pets before they visit the workplace. The second step is making sure the office is vacuumed regularly and that there is adequate cleanup of any dander left by pets.
Pets at Work - Accidents & Emergencies
To prevent this, make sure it’s clear that all pets that visit a workplace must be fully housetrained. Pet owners should know their pets’ bathroom routines and only bring them to the office when their work schedules can allow them to give pets a bathroom break when they’re used to taking one.
No matter what you do, accidents may happen. When they do, the pet owner should
clean it up immediately and then report the accident to cleaning services so that everything can be properly disinfected.
Yes, although anyone who lets someone else’s dog out should ask for permission before taking the dog outside. Make sure dog owners provide anyone who might be doing so with the dog’s leash so he or she can keep the dog restrained. The owner can also cue them into behaviors that indicate the dog needs to go out.
It’s important for the workplace culture to allow these types of small breaks so that owners and helpful people around the office can let dogs out when necessary.
If there’s any worry that a pet might run away if the door opens, the pet should remain on a leash or in a restricted area throughout the day. If worst comes to worst and a pet does run away, it’s important to report the issue to HR, security or building management so people can help locate the pet as soon as possible. We recommend using Twitter and Facebook to spread the word (and a picture of the pet) to ask anyone in the surrounding area for assistance. All pet owners should make sure their pet has a collar and ID tag on at all times, so that they can be easily identified and returned if they get lost.
First, be prepared with the following things on hand:
- The phone numbers and addresses of your veterinarian and an after-hours emergency clinic, including directions on how to get there
- First-aid supplies, including bandages, gauze and hydrogen peroxide
- The phone number of the poison treatment hotline in your area
- A list of any medications your pet is taking
Next, familiarize your pet with the evacuation route to make sure he’s comfortable with stairwells and confined spaces.
Last, notify the fire marshal on your floor when your pet is present so he’ll know to evacuate him in an emergency if you’re away from your desk.
Pets at Work - Supplies & Treats
Treats, water bowls and clean-up bags are a must for any office with pets. A short list of items that owners may want to bring includes a pet bed, bowls for water and food, chew toys, plastic bags with ties, an extra leash, disinfectant wipes, first aid supplies, a list with emergency contact numbers for the veterinarian, and after-hour emergency clinic contact information.
With treats, the most important thing to remember is that they’re best in moderation. Pet owners should try to make sure pets don’t get more than 10% of their daily calories from treats or else they may be losing out on nutrients and more likely to gain weight. Pet owners should let their colleagues know about any nutrition goals they have for pets so everyone understands that treats should not be handed out too liberally.
It’s also important for pet owners to ask employees not to feed their pets human food scraps. Doing so can teach pets to beg for food, which isn’t good for the pets or the people trying to enjoy their meals.
Balls are a perfect toy for dogs in any setting but the workplace. Any toy that causes them to run around and get riled up should be kept at home. Instead, opt for toys that are designed to keep dogs busy and quiet, like puzzle feeders, rawhides, and chew toys. For cats, puzzle feeders and feather toys are good options. Avoid letting people play with your cat by having her chase a laser pointer; this can feel fruitless and frustrating for cats as they fail to catch that elusive red dot.
Pets at Work - Space
We recommend making fitness centers, daycares, meeting spaces, food preparation spaces, dining areas, data centers, medical departments, mother’s lounges, and restrooms pet-free. Employees can also use leashes and child gates to keep pets constrained in smaller areas.
A park, dog park, or large outdoor space are perfect for getting out of the office into the fresh air and giving a dog some exercise. Employees can also take dogs on walks around the neighborhood to burn energy.
Pets at Work - Pet Behavior
Make sure employees understand that loud, fearful or disruptive dogs should be at home during the day. If a pet does bark at someone, the owner should help him or her get acquainted with the dog in a friendly manner so they aren’t left fearful or feeling like they angered the dog. Letting someone feed the dog a treat is a great way to help create positive associations.
We suggest keeping dogs and cats on leashes or in gated areas. This lets them stay in their own space without roaming and playing too aggressively with one another. Any pets that are prone to pick on other pets should stay home. If their owners want to bring them to work, they can opt for behavior training to help their pet learn to play nice.
If a fight does break out, the owners of any pets involved should immediately separate the pets and take them to a neutral space to check for any injuries and calm the pets down. The pets involved should be kept apart until they learn better behavior. If two pets in particular don’t get along, their owners can coordinate with each other to bring them in on different days.
A crucial part of pet ownership is teaching your dog or cat how to be a good neighbor. Employees who bring pets to work should realize that many people can be frightened by unfamiliar dogs and cats. It's important to be respectful of these feelings. If a pet makes people feel afraid, the pet shouldn’t be brought to work.
Any employee who brings a pet to work should know the pet’s personality and be mindful when children are present. If a pet may intimidate or frighten a child, an owner should take great measures to avoid any incidents - even if it means not allowing the child to see the pet.
When a child greets a pet, the pet's owner should help the child understand what kind of behavior will make the pet feel most comfortable. If the child is overly aggressive with the pet, help the child understand how the pet is feeling and how to approach the pet more respectfully. It can also help to provide children with a small, healthy treat to feed a pet so the child and pet can meet under friendly circumstances.
Create an environment where people can easily communicate their points of view and feel that their voices are being heard. That way everyone can work together to create solid guidelines around bringing pets to work. This will help establish a precedent that makes it simple and routine to deal with any circumstances that may arise.
If you’re working on getting your pet ready to behave well in the workplace, start by considering his behavior. Is he well-trained, socialized, and calm? If not, you will want to work on training first. Then, make sure your pet is well-groomed, so that dander or allergens will be less likely to trigger allergies.
On the day you bring your pet to work, make sure he is comfortable and safe in the car ride to work so that he won’t become scared. Consider introducing your cat to the workspace over the weekend, so she can explore the new surroundings with fewer distractions.
Car rides can be difficult for cats. You may need to have three steps and get your cat used to each one before she can complete a whole day at work.
- Get her used to traveling in a crate or travel carrier by putting a treat inside and carrying her throughout the house.
- Get her used to riding in the car inside her crate or carrier by taking several rides.
- Bring her to the workplace for short periods of time.
Once she starts to feel comfortable with the process, you can try a whole day. If your cat objects to these three steps, she might prefer to stay home and snooze while you work.
When you do bring your cat to work, make sure you bring a litter box, as well as familiar objects (toys, a blanket) with her scent on them. These objects can help put her at ease.
While dogs often enjoy car rides, there are some safety precautions to keep in mind. Make sure your dog doesn’t sit in the front seat. Instead, have your dog ride in the back, ideally in a crate made for traveling or attached to the seat with a dog seat belt, which are available at most pet supply stores. Make sure your dog doesn’t put his head out the car window, as this can be a safety hazard. In case your dog escapes on the way to work, make sure he is wearing a collar and ID tag and is micro-chipped. Partners for Animal Welfare has a list of tips and potential hazards.