Canned dog food made with real beef, carrots tomatoes and rice provides ingredients you can see
Beef dog food delivering 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs that’s good for mixing with dry dog food
Essential dog vitamin and mineral support for your dog's overall health, while chunks of meat offer an appealingly tender texture
Real meat dog food with generous sauce adds flavor to each bite with no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives
Purina Beneful wet dog food proudly produced in Purina-owned U.S. facilities and backed by over 80 years of experience pushing pet nutrition forward
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Product Description
Bring the flavors of the Italian countryside home to your dog's bowl with Purina Beneful Medleys, Tuscan Style With Beef, Carrots, Tomatoes and Rice in Sauce canned dog food. Real beef delivers meaty flavor, and carrots, tomatoes and rice provide ingredients you can actually see in every serving. This delicious beef dog food bursts with the real meat dog food flavor your dog craves and provides 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs. Included are 23 essential dog vitamins and nutrient support for his overall health and well-being. Purina Beneful wet dog food is made without artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives, so your dog gets everything they need and nothing they don’t. Beneful dog food contains high-quality ingredients you can feed your dog with confidence. With convenient single-serving cans, this Beneful dog food with real meat takes the guesswork out of portion control while satisfying your dog's cravings.