Canned dog food containing real chicken, carrots, pasta and spinach you can see
Chicken dog food providing 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs and is excellent for mixing with dry dog food
Delivers essential dog vitamins and minerals to support your dog's overall health, featuring chunks of chicken that offer an appealingly tender texture
Great Purina Beneful wet dog food taste that dogs love with a generous sauce that adds to the flavor of each bite.
Real meat dog food proudly produced in our Purina-owned U.S. facilities and backed by over 80 years of experience pushing pet nutrition forward
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Product Description
Take your dog's taste buds on a tour of Italy with Purina Beneful Medleys Romana Style With Chicken in Sauce canned dog food and give him the proper nutrition he needs with the fantastic flavor he wants. Made with real chicken and including carrots, pasta and spinach you can see, this mouthwatering chicken dog food is bursting with a taste he'll crave while also providing 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs. The generous sauce adds to this real chicken dog food's palate-pleasing appeal, letting you feel good about feeding your pet something you know he'll love. The tender texture of this healthy dog food is easy for dogs big and small to manage, and the high-quality ingredients make it easy for you to provide your dog with great taste and whole-body nutrition. With convenient single-serving cans of Purina Beneful Medleys Romana Style adult wet dog food, you can open one up at the same time you open his horizons to new and exciting flavors from around the globe.