Whisker Lickin's
Whisker Lickin`s
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Whisker Lickin’s Cat Treats

Available in two Crunchy & Yummy varieties with a texture to tantalize your Cat, these treats offer a delicious way to bring cats and cat lovers together. Your daily dose of togetherness is just a Whisker Lickin’s treat away! 

Treat your cat to a tasty little something. 

Whisker Lickins Crunchy Seafood treats
Whisker Lickin’s Crunchy & Yummy Chicken & Seafood Cat Treats : 5 out of 5 starsI have a very picky cat that absolutely loved these. She cries every morning for treats and now shes crying for these. I was so happy to find a cheaper alternative to her old treats!
— janeyj
Read more reviewsAbout Whisker Lickin's Crunchy & Yummy Chicken & Seafood Flavors Cat Treats
Whisker Lickin's Crunchy & Yummy Tuna Cat Treats
Whisker Lickin's Crunchy & Yummy Tuna Cat Treats: 5 out of 5 starsMy cats go crazy for this’ – “My cats love this stuff!!! They all go crazy for the crunchy whisker lickins. I have been buying for years.
— CatLadyinHouston
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Read more reviewsAbout Whisker Lickin's Crunchy & Yummy Tuna Flavor Cat Treats
The ONLY cat treats
The ONLY cat treats!!: 5 out of 5 starsI have tried so many cat treats in the past and the Whisker Lickin’s are the only ones my cats will eat and they love them!! All they need to hear is the bag ruffle and they come running.
— Ginakitten

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