Health Benefits of Vitamin E for Dogs

gray cat and black and white dog
By Pet Expert Team
Updated: 2/26/20252-4 minutes
Vitamin E for dogs

Not only is vitamin E good for dogs – it’s an essential ingredient in dog food. Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant that supports dogs’ bodies in their ability to neutralize free radicals – the cause of oxidative stress. Vitamin E for dogs promotes a healthy:

  • Heart
  • Immune system
  • Muscles
  • Liver
  • Cell function
  • Skin and coat

Is There Vitamin E in My Dog’s Food?

Yes. If the dog food label mentions “essential vitamins and minerals” or “complete and balanced nutrition” on the bag, it will almost certainly contain vitamin E. Plus, vitamin E (in the form of mixed-tocopherols) is also a natural preservative, so beyond being an essential vitamin, it’s an excellent way to help keep the dog food fresh.

What’s the Right Vitamin E Dosage for Dogs?

Fortunately, nutritionists and other experts develop most dog foods. That means in most cases, you don’t have to worry about how much vitamin E to give your dog.

They should already be getting the right amount every day to help them thrive. However, dogs deficient in vitamin E may show signs of muscle weakness, so if you’re concerned, be sure to ask your veterinarian.

“Vitamin E is degraded when kibble goes through the extraction process,” according to Purina nutritionist Karina Carbo-Johnson, MS. “Nutritionists and food scientists are an integral part of the pet food making process to make adjustments on the pre-cooking side so the finished product has the exact amount of nutrients the pet needs.”

Can Dogs Have Vitamin E Supplements?

Only if dogs genuinely need it and a veterinarian approves it should a dog get a vitamin E supplement. If your dog is already eating a complete and balanced diet, excess supplements could be harmful and lead to blood clotting problems. Always talk with your veterinarian before adding any supplements to their diet.

How Can I Give My Dog More Vitamin E?

If you’re eager to let your dog enjoy the benefits of vitamin E without adding supplements to their daily routine, there are many vitamin E-rich dog foods. You can also check the label for ingredients high in vitamin E.

Dog Food Ingredients High in Vitamin E

  • Eggs
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Spinach
  • Safflower Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Soybean Oil

Is Vitamin E Good for Dogs’ Skin?

Yes. Vitamin E is a staple of human skincare products, so it’s only natural to wonder if it has the same or similar effect on dogs. Fortunately, if your dog is getting the right amount of vitamin E, it will not only be good for their skin but also their coat.

This is because dogs’ bodies use vitamin E to form collagen fibers, which are directly involved in developing hair and skin. So, while skin cream featuring vitamin E for dogs will probably never become a thing, dog foods packed with vitamin E are here to stay.

Get more information on dog nutrition and more from our experts on our Pet Expertise page.


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