Probiotic dog food supports your dog’s overall health by promoting a healthy gut. This dog food contains live microorganisms that help balance your dog’s digestive tract. We offer a wide range of probiotic dog food options from trusted brands, including a comprehensive selection of formulas for dogs and puppies of all ages, sizes and needs. Shop our probiotic dog food selection now and discover how you can effectively support your dog’s gut health and microbiome for a happier, healthier canine friend.
Why Probiotic Dog Food?
Dry dog food formulated with probiotics and digestive enzymes is powerful for supporting your dog’s digestive health and overall well-being. These probiotic dog food recipes go beyond basic nutrition by introducing beneficial bacteria (probiotics) to help balance the gut microbiome and aid digestion and nutrient absorption. Our dog food with added fiber and probiotics enhances these benefits by promoting a healthy digestive tract.
We also offer dog food with prebiotics and probiotics. Prebiotics are food for probiotics and help them thrive and multiply in the gut, creating an excellent environment for flourishing beneficial bacteria, further supporting your dog’s digestive health. While every dog is different, adding probiotics to your dog’s diet can help their overall health and well-being.
Did you know probiotics cannot survive the heat treatment required for wet dog food? While we don’t offer probiotic wet dog food, we have a wide range of probiotic dry dog food choices, from crunchy kibble varieties to shredded blends, all formulated with probiotics and digestive enzymes to support your dog’s digestive health and overall well-being.
Benefits of Probiotic Dog Food
- Can support maintaining balance in the digestive tract
- Supports overall health
- Supports a healthy gut microbiome
- Contains guaranteed live probiotics
Best Dog Foods with Probiotics
Let’s explore a few quick tips on picking some of the best probiotic dog food or puppy food for your puppy by looking at a few examples of the various forms of probiotic dog food that we offer.
Crunchy Kibble
Our dry, crunchy kibble is among the best dry dog food with probiotics if your dog prefers dry food. We enhance our real meat dog food with live probiotics to support digestive and immune health and promote gut resilience. We have options for dogs of all ages, as well as formulas specific to adults, puppies and senior dogs, and all breeds, including toy, small, large, and giant. In addition, we have formulated solutions for calming, weight management and a range of athletic support for more active dogs. We also offer a wide range of crunchy kibble flavors to meet your dog’s tastes, featuring chicken, salmon, turkey, beef, bison, duck, quail, lamb and more. Crunchy kibble probiotic dog food is also an excellent means to help keep your dog’s teeth clean.
Shredded Blend
Try our shredded probiotic dry dog food to support gut health. We formulate our shredded blend probiotic dog food with real meat and protein levels to support an ideal body condition. With meat as the primary ingredient, we have options including chicken, lamb, beef, salmon, turkey and more. We have options for dogs of all ages, including seniors, puppies and adults, and dogs of all breeds, including formulas targeted for small breeds, large breeds and more, as well as weight management options. Shredded blend dog food combines meaty shreds with dry kibble to get that perfect mix some dogs prefer and love.
Learn More About Probiotic Dog Food and Feeding Recommendations
Find out how probiotics can help your dog stay healthy and happy. Learn from Purina experts about their benefits, how they work and when to give them to your canine friend.
How to Support Your Dog’s Gut Health & Microbiome
Discover how to help your dog’s tummy and microbiome health. Purina experts discuss how pet parents can help with digestion and support their canine friends’ immune systems.
Quality Ingredients
We select only dog and cat food ingredients for nutrition that helps your pet live the best life possible. If you’ve ever wondered what the ingredients in your pet’s food do, read on to find out.
Explore Brands Offering Probiotic Dog Food