Can Dogs Eat Lobster?

You already know that your pup can’t say no to chicken or ham. But are all types of meat top favorites in a dog’s book? More importantly, are they safe for your dog to eat?
You may wonder if it is OK to give your dog seafood. In this article we’re answering the question, Can dogs eat lobster?, so you know whether you should add an extra portion to your shopping list for the pup in your life.
Can Dogs Eat Lobster?
Yes, dogs can eat lobster in moderation. As long as it’s simply cooked, lobster can be part of your dog’s menu. But remember to consult the vet before offering lobster to your dog for the first time and always introduce new foods in small amounts to avoid upset tums. Although this seafood is generally considered safe and non-toxic, your vet will be able to advise you if it is a good idea considering your dog’s health history.
Is Lobster Good for Dogs?
Lobster contains many nutrients that are beneficial for dogs such as protein, zinc and Omega-3 fatty acids. However, lobster also comes with a few red flags when it comes to pet health and wellbeing.
While lobster meat can be given to your pooch in small amounts, avoid letting them eat any of the shell. The shell is a potential choking hazard especially in small dogs and the sharp edges can irritate the throat, stomach and intestines.
Lobster meat should only be offered to your dog in small amounts as an occasional treat. The meat has a high content of sodium which could make your pup unwell. Lobster meat is also high in cholesterol – just as with us humans, a diet that is too high in this fatty substance is bad for your pup’s health. One of the health issues associated with high intakes of fats is canine pancreatitis, so it’s best to talk to your vet before allowing your dog a taste of lobster and never feed lobster to a dog that has previously suffered with pancreatitis.
How to Offer Lobster to Your Dog?
Generally, dogs can eat lobster, but unbeknownst to you, your pup might be allergic to this sea food. Although this type of food allergy in dogs is not too common, it remains a possibility. This is why it’s important to offer them only a small piece at first and look out for any unusual reactions. If you notice any sign of trouble, head to the vet straightaway.
Lobster should always be cooked before eating. Raw lobster may be harboring bacteria that can cause food poisoning as well as parasites. Just boil the lobster in plain water, without any salt or other condiments, and cut it in small pieces your dog can eat easily.
Keep an eye on quantities as well and if in doubt, ask your vet how much lobster is okay to feed your dog and how often. For most dogs, the answer will be that you should only feed a small amount as a treat on an occasional basis. Not only is lobster meat high in cholesterol and sodium, but all seafood may contain mercury which is dangerous in large quantities.
In conclusion, dogs can eat lobster but be mindful of quantities and how often it appears on their menu. Feeding too much lobster can lead to health issues due to the high content of sodium, fat, and possibly mercury.
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