Dogs and Halloween: Have Fun and Be Safe

Halloween is one of those times of year when everyone gets excited, including our pets. We know that this is the time for fall activities, fun costumes, and a bucket load of candy. However, while we are enjoying this ghoulish day, it is important that we are keeping our best friend safe and following the dog Halloween tips below.
Halloween Costumes on Dogs
While it might be tempting to put on an extravagant costume for your pet, it is best to keep these costumes simple or off your dog if they do not like wearing them. A quick photo op for a costume is one thing if you take it off them right after, but if you plan to keep your buddy dressed up for the night, it might be better to do a simple Halloween bandana or fun collar. If they start showing signs of distress, then take the costume off them immediately.
Below are a few tips on costume safety for dogs:
- Make sure you place the costume on your dog before Halloween to see how they will respond. Start as early as possible and perform short sessions with your dog wearing the costume while positively reinforcing them with treats, toys, praise, and more. Slowly increase your dog's duration wearing the costume if they are not showing signs of distress. With enough time, you can make wearing a costume for a trick or treat trip a positive experience.
- Beads, snaps, buttons, ribbons, elastic, fabric, and other detailed parts of a costume could easily be eaten by your dog and either become a choking hazard or lead to intestinal issues. Make sure you keep a close eye on them, so they do not eat these items off their costume or the costume itself.
- A costume could result in overheating, impaired vision, and even difficulty breathing if it covers the face or is too restrictive around your pet’s neck or chest. Masks, hats, and tight costumes should either be loosened or removed completely if they are affecting your dog’s health.
- If your pet starts to exhibit signs of distress, such as folded down ears, eyes rolling back or looking sideways, a tucked tail, hunching over, pacing, hiding, or refusing to move, remove the costume immediately. This is your loved one telling you that something is not right with what they are wearing.
- If you do decide to pick them out a costume, choose an easy-on, easy-off outfit that does not constrict their head and neck and uses a lightweight fabric. You can also just do a simple Halloween bandana or collar as mentioned above.
- Always keep an eye on your pup while they are in costume in case any emergencies occur, such as overheating. This includes smaller costume items, such as bandanas which can get caught on various things, like an air vent.
Following these tips will ensure that you and your dog have a blast on Halloween night and that no costume mishaps occur.
Dogs and Halloween Candy
This is one of the biggest concerns on Halloween, since candy, such as chocolate, can be very toxic to dogs. Many candies and gums also have artificial sweeteners, such as xylitol, which can be fatal for your loved one. We must also take into consideration the high fat and sugar content in candy, which can lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, and more. Then there are other things to worry about, such as tin foil and cellophane candy wrappers that can be hazardous if your buddy swallows these.
Below is a list of Halloween foods that are bad for dogs. These treats can make your dog incredibly ill or worse:
- Chocolate. Chocolate contains methylxanthine compounds, theobromine, and caffeine, which can be fatal for dogs. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is for your dog.
- Xylitol and other artificial sweeteners or “sugar-free” goodies. A lot of candies and gums, especially the sugar-free kind, tend to have artificial sweeteners and xylitol. Xylitol is toxic to pets and can cause a host of health issues, including death.
- Hard candies and gum. Hard candies and gum can act as a choking hazard for our furry loved ones, and large quantities can clump up in their stomach and cause other obstructions as well.
- Raisins. Sometimes Halloween treat-givers will pass out raisins as a healthy choice for kids. While your children might enjoy this snack, grapes and raisins can be extremely dangerous for dogs. It can cause acute (sudden) kidney failure, as well as many other symptoms, including decreased appetite, lethargy, stomach issues, dehydration, and more.
- Candy wrappers. Candy wrappers can get lodged in your pet’s throat or intestinal tract, requiring surgery to get them removed. Tin foil and cellophane wrappers can also create a lot of gastrointestinal irritation for your loved one due to the rough material.
If you would like to celebrate Halloween with your best friend, then it is better to get dog-formulated treats that have been specially made for them. Just remember that treats should make up no more than 10 percent of their daily caloric intake.
Furthermore, if you suspect your dog has eaten or drunk something toxic, then contact your vet, the local animal hospital, or the Animal Poison Control Center (APCC) at (888) 426-4435 immediately for assistance. The quicker you can get emergency aid, the greater you can minimize any damage that might occur thus saving your buddy from any life-threatening situations.
How to Keep Your Dog Calm on Halloween
Some dogs get overwhelmed with all the Halloween excitement. You might notice signs of distress, such as panting, hiding, excessive barking, pacing, going to the bathroom in the house, etc. If you see these types of symptoms, then here are some Halloween tips and tricks you can follow to keep your pup calm:
- Try placing your dog in a crate if they enjoy their crate or quiet room to decrease the amount of stimulation they are experiencing.
- Try a calming diffuser or calming supplement to keep their stress levels low.
- If your dog tends to need extra soothing and comforting during storms or fireworks, you might have tried a calming wrap or other calming apparel to ease their distress. If you have these on hand, they can help significantly, especially on busy nights like Halloween.
- Some forms of obedience training can help your dog with their anxiety levels. This is because certain forms of training can either create positive associations towards diverse stimuli and/or redirect their attention away from whatever is causing them stress.
- If your dog has a favorite chew toy that relaxes them, this would be a great night to let them play with it to keep them calm and stress-free.
If your dog is still showing signs of distress, it might be best to call your vet in case they can provide anxiety medications for your buddy or tell you if there is another underlying health issue.
Dog-Safe Halloween Activities
As much as we would love to take our dog trick or treating with us or show them off at a Halloween party, if you believe that your dog isn’t enjoying the extra attention and festivities, then it is best to keep your loved one at home and away from too much commotion. The reason is because a frightened dog can easily bite someone or run away due to their fear of so many unknown people, scary decorations, frightening costumes, etc. They could even get out as the door swings open and closed all night long for trick or treaters. There are also potential dangers out and about on Halloween night, such as glow sticks that can be mistaken for chew toys, electrical cables that can give your dog a shock, small decorations that can become a choking hazard, etc. These are a few reasons why most experts suggest it is best to keep your loved one indoors on Halloween night.
If you still want to celebrate this holiday with your dog, here are some better alternatives you can try:
- Watch a scary movie together.
- Spend time with your best friend playing with a Halloween-themed dog toy.
- Bake dog-friendly treats together or give them some pre-made dog treats that are specially formulated for them.
- Go to a dog park during the day to show off your dog’s new Halloween-themed collar or bandana.
- Attend a dog-friendly, fall event together.
- Visit a dog-friendly, pumpkin patch while keeping a close eye on your buddy as you get closer to any pumpkins. That way they do not try to eat anything they are not supposed to.
You can also use the myPurina app for more bonding activities that you can do with your dog. This way the two of you can spend quality time together while enjoying the Halloween season in a safe way.
For more expert tips on playing with your dog, explore our other dog playing articles.

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