Can Dogs Eat Zucchini?

Many dogs enjoy their veggies, and adding a unique addition to your dog’s diet every now and then is a perfect way to keep them satisfied and add a little variety to their diet.
Yet, the list of things you should not be giving your dog is long. It can be tricky for dog owners to know what is fine to feed their furry friend and what is not good to give them.
Just because us humans enjoy certain foods, does not mean that it will be safe for your dog to enjoy too. Read below to learn if dogs can eat zucchini? And if so, what are the benefits?
Can Dogs Eat Zucchini?
Yes, dogs can eat zucchini and it’s perfectly safe for dogs and puppies. In fact, it may be one of the best vegetables to feed dogs. Zucchini can be given to dogs raw or cooked, and they can eat the fruit or flowers. However, it’s important not to give your dog too much zucchini at once. Dogs can eat zucchini, but in moderation.
Zucchinis are an increasingly popular summer vegetable and are a part of the squash family. While botanically a fruit, the zucchini is a thin-skinned variety of marrow and is treated by most of us as a vegetable. Low in calories and high in fiber, zucchinis are a good source of vitamin A and C, as well as vitamin B9. Due to the low-calorie content and high levels of fiber, zucchinis are considered a great treat option for any dog needing lose a few pounds.
How Much Zucchini Can Dogs Eat?
Zucchini may be low in calories, but that does not mean that dogs should have a large amount of zucchini. The recommended feeding of treats is that they should make up no more than 10 percent of your dog’s diet, which is a great way to figure out how much zucchini to feed your dog.
Can Feeding Zucchini Be Bad for Dogs?
Dogs usually tolerate zucchini well, however, over feeding your dog anything can lead to digestive upset, and it is always a good idea to observe your dog’s behavior any time you offer them new food, as well as looking out for any signs of illness.
Can Dogs Eat All Parts of the Zucchini Plant?
If your dog eats a zucchini flower or the leaves, fear not, all parts of the plant are non-toxic. The flowers of the zucchini are actually edible and delicious and are often cooked or fried for human consumption.
However, if your dog is roaming around the backyard and tends to eat everything in sight, you may want to make sure you know what else you have growing, to be sure there isn’t anything potentially harmful they might eat.
How to Feed Your Dog Zucchini
Zucchini can be served to dogs grilled, baked, or added to a homemade meal that is balanced with a good source of protein. However, avoid seasonings such as garlic or onion that are unsafe for your dog. If you plan on feeding your dog zucchini, set a few chunks aside to cook separately rather than giving your pup part of your dinner. You should avoid feeding your dog zucchini that has been prepared along with other ingredients. Plain and simple is the best way to feed zucchini to dogs.
Zucchini can also be sliced thinly and frozen as a nice treat on a hot day. Dogs can eat zucchini that has been shredded raw and put on top of your dog’s dinner. Also make sure the zucchini you are feeding to your furry friend is fully ripened to avoid bitterness.
If you are feeding your dog zucchini for the first time, it is better to start with small quantities of the vegetable. Make sure to also serve in small chunks instead of large pieces to prevent choking. It’s also worth being aware that, although dogs can have zucchini safely in small amounts, they may not necessarily like the way it tastes, so let them sniff first to see if they want to taste.
Remember to always follow the rule of no more than 10% when feeding your dog treats and ensure that the other 90% of their calories comes from a complete and balanced dog food.
For more expert tips on feeding your dog, explore our other dog feeding articles.
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