Purina’s Commitment to Animal Welfare

We Care About Finding a Good Home for All Pets
We’re supporting the organizations, communities, advocates, and professionals who help make adoptions and rescues possible.
Purina + Petfinder
Purina and Petfinder work together to promote animal welfare education, awareness and advocacy. Since 1996, Petfinder has become North America’s leading online resource for pet adoption, providing over 30 million animals with the visibility needed to find their forever homes. Leveraging our network of more than 11,000 shelters and rescue groups, we’re able to help 6.5 million pet-lovers choose adoption first annually.

Helping Pets Find Their People
People and pets are better together. That’s why we partner with the Petfinder Foundation, North America’s number one destination for adoptable pets. Our efforts enrich the lives of animals, pet owners, and a network of shelter and rescue organizations and advocates. We serve as a hub to share stories, spread rescue awareness, raise donations, and host events that amplify animal welfare in addition to connecting pets to the right people and resources. Updated daily, Petfinder is responsible for over one third of all North American pet adoptions.

Supporting Shelters & Pets
Purina helps increase pet adoptions by offering grants, funding, sponsorship programs, and marketing and educational tools to public and private shelters and veterinary clinics that rehome pets. The rig presentation and tactics help connect animals to the people that love them.

Find Adoptable Pets in Your Area
When you adopt a pet, you’re enriching a life—not only theirs but your own. Explore North America’s largest list of cats, dogs and other adoptable pets right in your area to find the right fit for you.

Shelter Resources & Education
Purina provides animal welfare organizations resources to increase pet adoptions. We do this through Petfinder Pro, creating tips, tools and educational resources to promote pets for adoption. Purina is the main sponsor for The Petfinder Foundation and supports Petfinder members through cash and product grants, with the goal of helping to keep adoptable pets healthy and happy. Since its inception, the Petfinder Foundation has given more than $20 million in cash and product grants to Petfinder members.

Shelter Champions
Purina’s Shelter Champions Program supports animal welfare professionals and shelters across North America through its mission to deliver high-quality pet food, supplies, and to help increase pet adoptions and animal welfare.